2024 Reclink Community Cup Footy Cards

The Reclink Community Cup is on this Sunday at Victoria Park. Will the almighty Megahertz do a FOUR-PEAT and win four games in a row? Or will the rock gods smile down and the rockin' Rockdogs win the coveted Community Cup?

Last time, our popular Footy Cards quickly SOLD OUT at the Merch Tent. So don't dilly dally and be there quick to collect the complete set of printed cards. This photo gallery is the complete digital set of 116 footy cards featuring footy players, coaches, mascots and cheerleaders. The back of the printed footy cards are pretty damn cool because there is a space to get the signature of your favourite Rockdog or Megahertz footy player or mascot paw print.

NB: No powdered shards of glass tasting bubble gum in the footy cards package.

These footy cards are only two dollars per pack. Thousands of dollars go to our charity, Reclink Australia.



11:00am   Gate open
11:45am   MC Welcome
11:50am   Whistle and Trick
12:30pm   The Vovos
1:20pm     Ross Wilson and The Peaceniks
2:00pm    Players run out onto the field
2:20pm     Community Cup Football match starts
3:10pm     Kaiit (Half time set)
4:00pm    Community Cup Football match second half
4:50pm    Teether and Kuya Neil
5:10pm     Cup Presentation
5:30pm     Floodlights
7:00pm.    Gates close

I'll see all of your happy smiling faces at the 2024 Community Cup this Sunday 16th of June, at Victoria Park.

Printing by Shout Out Loud
Design by Hound Machine Studio
Photography by CarbieWarbie 
